There is a part of me that could very easily just go walking and stay walking... walk all over the place, be a wanderer, a nomad... not so much for the sake of anything altruistic, any change, but just to walk; because it's so original and primal to wander without concern for property, without so many restrictions, boundaries and limits. This isn't going to happen though, except briefly here and there....
These days life is different than when men and women lived in tipis and yurts and followed the bison or the caribou. Imagine following the seasons throughout your entire life, being that interconnected, and interdependent, with the world. When mother weather shakes, rumbles and moves you get up and move with her... inseparable from her whims. Imagine your outlook on everything, how released and pliant you would need to be...
We are (most of us) now so far from that kind of life. Yet, deep within our cells, our intuitions,
These monthly Walks are a symbolic, motivating, gesture for our deeply buried impulses to be free; to walk free of the daily news, to walk free of the mind that locks us into what we look like, or seem to be, rather than who we are, which is Free -- and free of fear.
We are all walking somewhere so wherever we walk let it be toward a world, a life and an awareness that is free of unnecessary fear -- for everyone.
In honour of our nomadic forebears let's return, to everything we do, the essentials of those ancient walkabout cultures -- the wisdom, the tolerance, the understanding of cold rain and hot sun, sharing through famine and oasis, the patience, the smiles and softness through hard times, the yielding of every moment to Life itself.
And may our continuing monthly Fear-No-More World WALKS be a simple, ongoing, happy, reminder, and prayer, for all of us to release ourselves and one another beyond fear.... to the Tree.