Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Jump Off Your Ass !

This weekend -- May 3 & 4...... jump up off your asses for a while and walkabout for Fear-No-More... even just a short jaunt -- walk anywhere. Just for the hell of it... :)

Walk for what you value. Walk for what you want to release. Walk for Jesus. Walk for Zippy. Walk for your dog or that giant oak or mountain ash tree, or the great kauri or redwoods. Walk for the Antarctic ice-pack. Walk for the starving & poor, the wretchedly rich and famous. Walk for your mother, brother, sister, son. Walk for the spider in your closet and for the scorpion under your doorstep!... for lost pets, kids, loved-ones and forgotten hearts. Walk for a planet in the midst of crisis & transition...

Skip, roll, crawl, walk, flap, ride somewhere this weekend for Fear-No-More World WALK.

Walk for George Bush. Walk for his Mom. Walk for Walt Whitman, Milarepa, Nelson Mandela, the high clouds of Tibet. Walk for the Chinese, for Tibetan monks, tamarins in the Amazon. Walk for saints and for killers. Walk for the chaos and insanity everywhere. Walk for yes and no, right and wrong, and for all differences to merge into a unity... one vast culture of diversity hearted together through similarities irrevocably "now"...

Walk for the advancement of a world free of unnecessary fear.


The Lake County walk jumps off its ass at 5am Sat 3
- contact Stuart for details on this 4 hr, 15 mile downhill walk....

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Next Walk May 3 & 4

The next Fear-No-More World WALK, on May 3 & 4 weekend, will take place in about 30 locations around the world.

Here in Lake County we will walk from the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary down the Big Canyon valley to Middletown, approximately 15 miles.

Leaving at about 5am, this mostly downhill, creekside, walk will take approximately 4 hours. Anyone in LC is welcome. Contact Stuart. The sunrise, while going down into the canyon, can be spectacular!

Sacred walkers in other areas are creating local routes and schedules. Please put it out to let people in your area know how they can participate.

Point persons for walks can also leave your local info below this post in the comments section for others to check on.

Please also read the previous post (below), "Pets of Dolphins".

I'd like to hear from every walk organizer so I can list all the locations. Brief summaries of the walks would be great too.

Best wishes,

Monday, April 21, 2008

Pet of Dolphins

The human being is the only creature on earth who does not live supremely intelligent within his own world. At times and in places he has done so. But today, virtually everywhere, he no longer knows how.

The human of today seems to think that his intelligence is the measure for all others. Human-devised tests for non-human intelligence can tell us certain things about horses, chimpanzees, dolphins and bees, even trees, but they don't ever give us a true gauge of intelligence with all of its intricacy, subtlety and power.

Imagine yourself captive in a bee hive, having to prove to the bees that you are quite smart. You cannot fly, you cannot collect pollen, create honey, build a hive or even buzz. You know nothing of bee language and culture, though you could probably learn a few rudiments with time and observation. You have no sense of the cycles of flowers and wind currents or hive territory. You don't have the capacity to sting, nor do you understand much about bee predators. You can't protect the hive. If the bees judged your intelligence by your capacity to do the things they do, you would be considered the hive's most interesting, possibly cutest, fool. The bees would have to look after you because you couldn't survive in their world.

Place yourself in the Congo within a culture of chimpanzees and you would be in considerable trouble for your survival. You would quickly come to understand just how perfectly intelligent a chimpanzee is in his own world, and how well he is fitted to his existence. You would come to regard each and every one a genius. And they might regard you as a bit of an idiot !

If you'd never seen a horse and you had to live among them you would have to permit them to be your teachers, if they agreed. In a dolphin's world you might become a much loved, not very smart, pet... in their eyes probably a rather retarded and time-consuming pet.

Our clumsy interest in assessing an animal's, or a tree's, intelligence is among the height of human vanity and arrogance, and a crucial signing of our disconnectedness from who we are. Today's scientists are still trying to decide whether animals, trees and other "things" have feelings, emotions, memories... and whether there is love and hate in the non-human world. More amazing, still, is that we go along with them, and their findings... like children without eyes, ears and hearts.

There were times, and human cultures, where people lived in the world variously integrated with everything appearing in their field of awareness. People of such cultures could appreciate, evaluate and respect the intelligence of bees and trees, monkeys, clouds and horny toads. They didn't stand apart and analyze the world. They entered into it, gave themselves to it, and came to understand it deeply. Their intelligence expanded through their integration with all other things. They comprehended all forms of intelligence in a unity.

The world, in its wholeness, not through any of its separated parts, expressed a regnant intelligence. If any part, or thing, was undervalued intelligent participation in the world -- LIFE -- was impeded.

Few cultures expressed this high a level of sensitivity and strength throughout. Some did. In every region of the world some did; and many others enjoyed varying degrees of such participatory intelligence. Today, however, such understanding is all but gone and humanity now appears to itself as an insulated, armored and separated entity... and we have become afraid, angry, lost and increasingly despairing.

We seldom walk now except to go out and look at something, arrive somewhere, get some exercise or distract ourselves. I think the Earth must miss the communion with people she once enjoyed when our feet walked for sacred reasons as well as practical ones.

A Tibetan Llama once spoke of western hikers in the Himalayas... "Many people come, looking, looking, looking -- see nothing."

For tens of thousands of years the Australian Aborigines sacredly followed the paths of the rainbow snake. Cultures in other areas walked the meridians and ley lines for sacred reasons. North American Aboriginals walked their vision quests. Much of this was about integrating the human being into the world so he or she could become wise, true, fearless and one who could surrender to, and commune with, the great spirit. Such a human could live harmoniously, and intelligently, in the world of many beings, challenges and changes.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

World Doesn't Need Help

The point of view and purposes of Fear-No-More Walks differ from conventional thoughts and philosophies on environmentalism, species protection and helping or saving the earth.

Fear-No-More is completely supportive of most well-formed environmental causes. At this time they are essential to stem the rapid destruction wrought by humans everywhere, but they will not ultimately achieve "protection in perpetuity". A significant aspect of the Vision of Fear-No-More, with the potential to change everything, posits that we are the ones who need help. We are the ones lost and in trouble. We are the ones we walk for. The world does not need our help. The world needs us to help ourselves. As humanity we must take each other's hands and walk ourselves out of our present situation.

Our drive to become the current dominating species on earth has put everything at risk. To save a dog, a forest or a wild species without the restoration of sanity, and intelligent humanity, is simply a briefly compassionate treatment of the symptoms of a dis-ease far greater.

The animals, forests, oceans and skies are fine, and will do fine, if allowed to be who they are without interference. When given the chance, they know how to live, and be. Step back and observe them and we can relearn some of the subtle profundities of true morality, cultural politics, the wisdom of mind and body, death and life... and the depths of an inherently spiritual existence free of the fearful ideas of the human creature cut off from its Source.

The now disappeared Papago people of North America considered animals and the natural world as "parents" and "teachers". They considered humans to be the weaker beings here. They admired, valued and respected that most animals had little need for elaborate shelters, clothes, fire to cook with and so on. They observed the animal and plant worlds, learning from them, honoring them. They sought to live in harmony with the world, respecting it's sacredness.

Adi Da Samraj: The world is transformed by one's presumption about it. Those who live in a magical disposition toward the world change their world in one characteristic way: They do not seem to do very much with it as a natural phenomenon. They are very protective of it as a natural phenomenon and want to interfere with it as little as possible, because it is only by letting the world be what it is as a natural process, without interference, that it has the opportunity to produce magical signs and therefore to permit them to engage in magical relations with it... (read more...)

How do 6 or 7 billion variant, disconnected, warring, competitive, crazed, angry and fearful human beings come together simultaneously, or one by one, to effect sufficient change to bring us into lawful balance with the places, natural processes and our neighbours (human and non-human) of this world?

If we are even a little sensitive to this necessity how might we serve ourselves? Who in the world will we listen to for guidance and direction? Who or what can turn the tide? The politicians don't know how. Scientists don't know. The preachers don't. School teachers don't. Who does? What can? Where? -- and when?

Five Inspirations from Albert Einstein:

"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."

"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."

"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us, "universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."

And so we walk -- for ourselves, and others... to "unchange" our lives and establish original, native, humanity -- before changes draw us to separateness, fear and destructiveness...

On the next Fear-No-More World WALK (May 3 & 4), tread the earth, and live your life, for a humanity and world that is unchanged, original, whole, harmonious, and ultimately free of unnecessary fear.

Thank you for listening, and participating in these walkabouts in whichever way you're moved and can. Read through the earlier posts in this blog to find out more. The next post (coming soon) will give more info for the May 3 & 4 Walk.

Fear-No-More Zoo & Gardens

From Richy Weber, New York

Richy: On Saturday, April 5, I was extremely contracted and self-involved. As soon as we arrived at Prospect Park and started on the Fear-No-More World Walk my mind went quiet and I felt my heart open. This was one of the absolute greatest contemplative moments I have experienced. As we walked I stopped to gaze at all the non-human life forms and invoke the Divine. The Feeling was very strong when we stood with the Camperdown Elm Tree. I feel we must continue with these Fear-No-More walks, for the sake of people and life everywhere. Thank you for these walks.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

From the Overland Track

(from Amanda Savill)

Last weekend I walked the Tasmanian Overland Track praying for
love, amanda

Monday, April 7, 2008

Next Walk Will Be on May 3 & 4

April's Walk - a World Less Fear

Dear Walkers for Fear-No-More,

Last weekend people walked in concert in about 22 places around the world (including Bristol, Portland and Nerang). People from various walks of life, religious persuasions and races got up and walked together through city parks, along river banks, roadsides and trails.... walking for a world free of unnecessary, human-generated, fear -- the chronic, toxifying type of fear that permeates so much of our lives today... and that we needlessly perpetuate.

John, George, Gene, Andre' and Jo walked near Lake Champlain, Vermont.

There was once, on a high mountainside in New Guinea, a forest that the local tribe considered sacred. For centuries nothing was killed or harmed in that forest. No negative thoughts or emotions were brought there. It was tended and served in a sacred manner according to the tribe. There were trails through the forest that people walked upon. The animals and birds of the jungle were completely unafraid of the people. Tree-kangaroos and possums would move about in plain view. Birds of all kinds would fly about and display to one another within a few feet of passing humans. It was a remarkable place, a rare thing but not unique. There have been other places like this around the world (in Africa, Europe, Asia, Australasia, the Americas), and although now almost vanished they can be given room to flourish again, if we want. If we want, the entire world could be such a place.

The kind of fear that the human heart transmits into the world today creates a quality of profound unease, or dis-ease, everywhere. However, if healed of this fear humans represent a unique and remarkable capacity for cultivating profound harmony throughout the world.

The great and vast depth of non-human existence is, I believe, living in wait for humanity to fill a space of conscious action sufficient to enable all of life here to achieve a degree of harmony that is not possible without the participation of the awakened, fear-free, human heart. I know this sounds kind of utopic... I'm just trying to give voice to a quality of existence that I know is true, though presently absent... not an idealized, dreamy, utopia but a life heart-rested into the very force of Life that mysteriously does and undoes all of who we are, all the time...

The sacred forests of New Guinea gradually disappeared as western influences came to the mountains, undermining and poisoning the age-old cultures with "coca cola" and every other western-born propaganda and distraction. Sacred trees were felled, the animals ran and hid, litter fell along the paths... and only the old people remembered.

The Vision of Fear-No-More is inherently spiritual, yet deeply wedded to the practicalities of a life -- every life. It is about remembering the sacred, nurturing it, seeing and serving it where it seems not to be. It is about living differently, permitting oneself to be sustained and granting life and sustenance to all others because, despite what we are told, there is ample resource and energy for every thing that exists...

Thank you to everyone who got out and walked somewhere. Don't think it doesn't make a difference. It has, and it will. I was honoured to walk with you. And look forward to hearing from you.


The Eating Gorilla

Adi Da Samraj: You can always trust an eating gorilla. Having found his food, he has put aside all effort and concern for survival. He has surrendered his eccentricities, his obsessive urges, and the tension in his most characteristic qualities. He has become submissive to the ordinary motive and desire that is real hunger, since he is now certain of its satisfaction. He is essentially benign, playful, even loveable. He is simply eating. And he trusts any others who may be present or who approach, as long as there is sufficient food and they also stop to eat it. The eating gorilla perceives in any other one who is eating a similar surrender to ordinary life, to the natural state and order of existence. While eating, he stands out-side all conflicts in which survival is at stake.

The gorilla's natural home is also a wilderness of food. To visit is to eat. To eat and to live in peace are the same. The primal ceremony of all who live is the meal. It is the incident wherein the true or benign principle of politics is realized, and it is also at the table that meditation begins.

In our human world, the 'gorilla' is not at peace. Food is in doubt. Eating is no ordinary affair of hunger and assured satisfaction. The ceremonies of our food are rarely free of conflict. Trust, love, peace, and meditation, the essence of the plainest fare when we are in our natural ease, are now a rare occasion, a private matter, for the gourmets and ascetics who populate our human table.

Our ability to Realize the Eternal Source and Present Bliss depends on our responsibility for hunger and food, trust and love, work and sex, time and space, life and death....

We are mad then, you see. We are not like the eating gorilla. The eating gorilla finds a cabbage in the jungle, sits down like a slob and munches away at the cabbage, and is completely benign, completely peaceful. There is nothing threatening about this gorilla, nothing dangerous about him. He is not eating anything killed that has an independent consciousness in the ordinary sense. He is just eating cabbages, vegetables. If some other gorilla or an other being comes near, he still has his food. He is connected to the food source. He is not disturbed as long as that creature will show that he is also eating. The eating gorilla is peaceful.

Therefore, the eating gorilla is the image of the true man, the true woman. He demonstrates the principle of true politics, of real human existence, in which we are always presently connected to the Food Source in Truth, and are always presuming connection, relationship, " I love you". But the gorilla in the desert, or the conventional man, is cut off from his food source through the presumptive recognition of his separate existence, of his mortality. He feels unloved. He is a dangerous beast. He is in conflict with himself, struggling, looking for a way to be permanently sustained.

We are obliged to be the heart in relations, to be responsible, as radiant feeling attention, for all the things above and below the heart, to make mind and body, attention and action, heaven and earth a felt sacrifice to Infinity. If we live this way we can live a happy and loving and healthy life, an essentially vital life. Although there may be limitations that come upon us through the environmental and human factors around us, essentially we can be the masters of our circumstances, at least in our private lives.

[Excepts from "The Eating Gorilla Comes In Peace", by Bubba Free John, the Dawn Horse Press]

(c) 2008 The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd, as trustee for The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam. All rights reserved. Perpetual copyright claimed.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Next Walk-Weekend is April 5 & 6 !

Some Pre-Walk Preparations

Leading into your walk try making peace with someone you're at odds with, heal disputes or concerns, help someone in need - someone you don't know, help an animal, a tree, a river, smile for the sake of others, eat healthy, meditate or pray, conserve your use of resources, forgive others, forgive self...

Whether you actually physically walk for Fear-No-More this weekend you can still participate. If you're going driving, cycling, riding your horse, window shopping, dining out, carry "Fear-No-More" in your mind and heart.

Fear-No-More World WALK