The point of view and purposes of Fear-No-More Walks differ from conventional thoughts and philosophies on environmentalism, species protection and helping or saving the earth.
Fear-No-More is completely supportive of most well-formed environmental causes. At this time they are essential to stem the rapid destruction wrought by humans everywhere, but they will not ultimately achieve "protection in perpetuity". A significant aspect of the Vision of Fear-No-More, with the potential to change everything, posits that we are the ones who need help. We are the ones lost and in trouble. We are the ones we walk for. The world does not need our help. The world needs us to help ourselves. As humanity we must take each other's hands and walk ourselves out of our present situation.
Our drive to become the current dominating species on earth has put everything at risk. To save a dog, a forest or a wild species without the restoration of sanity, and intelligent humanity, is simply a briefly compassionate treatment of the symptoms of a dis-ease far greater.
The animals, forests, oceans and skies are fine, and will do fine, if allowed to be who they are without interference. When given the chance, they know how to live, and be. Step back and observe them and we can relearn some of the subtle profundities of true morality, cultural politics, the wisdom of mind and body, death and life... and the depths of an inherently spiritual existence free of the fearful ideas of the human creature cut off from its Source.
The now disappeared Papago people of North America considered animals and the natural world as "parents" and "teachers". They considered humans to be the weaker beings here. They admired, valued and respected that most animals had little need for elaborate shelters, clothes, fire to cook with and so on. They observed the animal and plant worlds, learning from them, honoring them. They sought to live in harmony with the world, respecting it's sacredness.
Adi Da Samraj: The world is transformed by one's presumption about it. Those who live in a magical disposition toward the world change their world in one characteristic way: They do not seem to do very much with it as a natural phenomenon. They are very protective of it as a natural phenomenon and want to interfere with it as little as possible, because it is only by letting the world be what it is as a natural process, without interference, that it has the opportunity to produce magical signs and therefore to permit them to engage in magical relations with it... (read more...)
How do 6 or 7 billion variant, disconnected, warring, competitive, crazed, angry and fearful human beings come together simultaneously, or one by one, to effect sufficient change to bring us into lawful balance with the places, natural processes and our neighbours (human and non-human) of this world?
If we are even a little sensitive to this necessity how might we serve ourselves? Who in the world will we listen to for guidance and direction? Who or what can turn the tide? The politicians don't know how. Scientists don't know. The preachers don't. School teachers don't. Who does? What can? Where? -- and when?
Five Inspirations from Albert Einstein:
"Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius -- and a lot of courage -- to move in the opposite direction."
"A person starts to live when he can live outside himself."
"Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding."
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."
"A human being is a part of a whole, called by us, "universe", a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest... a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."
And so we walk -- for ourselves, and others... to "unchange" our lives and establish original, native, humanity -- before changes draw us to separateness, fear and destructiveness...
On the next Fear-No-More World WALK (May 3 & 4), tread the earth, and live your life, for a humanity and world that is unchanged, original, whole, harmonious, and ultimately free of unnecessary fear.
Thank you for listening, and participating in these walkabouts in whichever way you're moved and can. Read through the earlier posts in this blog to find out more. The next post (coming soon) will give more info for the May 3 & 4 Walk.
Fear-No-More Zoo & Gardens