On Sunday March 2nd I walked in Seattle, at the end of the day, to honor the spirit of the Fear-No-More walks. I walked in awareness of my surroundings, of people passing, of my own breathing, of the tenuousness of everything visible. I walked without fear, and for an end to fear; I walked for an end to walks to end fear, for the day when this will not be necessary. I didn't walk in the natural countryside, I walked in the city, in my neighbourhood of thirty years, on a busy street from work to home, and back through the side streets. I walked in a place where the very architecture of buildings and pathways of traffic are designed by human fear, egoity and separateness, and I walked for an end to that. I walked in a place made of human anxiety and disregard for life. I walked in among the ghosts of thirty years of living, loving, trying, working, and persisting around here, without fear.
Thanks for the gift of this walk... looking forward to another one, perhaps a bit longer and further. There's a great park in a ravine nearby that affords a more contemplative walk. There's also a bike trail that goes up around the top of the lake bordering Seattle on the east.
love, Tom
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Why These Walks? (ramblings...)
For 15 years now I've been the caretaker of Fear-No-More Zoo in Northern California. It's a relatively modest facility and probably always will be. Fear-No-More Zoo, to date, gains most of its support from the smallish group of devotees of Adi Da Samraj. The Zoo continues to need more support in order to realize its potential, so we have a strong need to outreach to others... among other things these walks, and this blog, help promote that need.
Part of my responsibility is to grow the Zoo, build it up and maintain it as an integral part of the nascent spiritual culture of Adidam. Adi Da wants Fear-No-More Zoo to be a different kind of thing than the zoos we are accustomed to. He wants it to be "not merely an animal zoo" where people visit and just look at animals. Adi Da holds animals in high regard as profound spiritual contemplatives, and he wants FNMZoo to be developed as a means for the integration of human and non-human cultures, resulting in one diverse sacred culture where beings and life forms of every kind are recognized as equals, at heart... this recognition of all beings as a broadly diverse and single cultural process is the future (and present time) potential of "Earthkind", seeded here in the form and process of Fear-No-More.
This vision and responsibility is given into a culture of spiritual beginners, most of whom grew up in cities of the western world without generally much contact with animals and nature beyond domestic pets and vacations into the mountains... so part of the challenge in my service is how to support the integration of Adi Da's Vision of Fear-No-More into the human culture of the gathering around him... and out beyond... how to bring this into peoples' lives and how to foster the emergence of, ultimately, a one-world, many species, culture.
I've employed writing as one tool to serve this process. Photo images and video is another vehicle being further developed, thanks to Andrea Schwab. In the future we'll be conducting presentations and weekend retreats about the Zoo, the camels and the walks. And these new Awareness Walks are another avenue to bring Fear-No-More out into peoples' homes, out into the streets and parks, giving anyone the opportunity to actively participate with the Vision of Fear-No-More no matter where they are.
The Walks are also an attempt to simply raise awareness and finan
My initial foray into these walks took the form of a first attempt walk of about 1500 miles up into Montana... an impulsive gesture just to kick things into gear. Somewhat humorously, I returned after just a day of hiking as the zoo, and I, were unprepared for such a long walk.
The walking momentum was soon converted into a process of monthly walks, involving more people, walks that virtually anyone can participate in, that one can tailor to one's level of interest, fitness and schedule. It's evolving organically and, on the first weekend of each month, we've now got people around the world getting involved in these walks... some walking for a whole day or two and others walking for maybe an hour or two... to bring the Vision of Fear-No-More alive in our lives and in the world, one step at a time.
There have been heroic awareness walkers in this country and abroad. People like the Peace Pilgrim, Shivapuri Baba, Mahatma Gandhi and others. Incredible achievements by incredible individuals, but few others were able to participate with them at those levels, without also giving away their entire lives -- something not everyone is ready for!
The Fear-No-More Awareness Walks allow anyone who can walk, or roll :) , to participate in some way. Rather than merely watching, inspired, as Peace Pilgrim criss-crossed North America, we can all get out and walk together, inspiring others to do likewise.
Our inspiration for doing this is the advancement of a world where all unnecessary fear is minimized and even, perhaps, eliminated. This sounds naive and idealistic because we have no real experience of such a world. We've all tasted it, smelled it and wanted it. But it can't happen unless we all participate. This is not about the elimination of all fear... some fear has a useful place in active life, a healthy function. Fear-No-More addresses the chronic fear that cripples an otherwise free life. This is both a spiritual and practical issue... and a lot of such fear can be handled and eliminated even just on a practical level.
As a kid I had elaborate plans and maps made up for a walk I was going to do around the globe. Over the ye
Recently, a friend unknowingly touched me deeply in a certain way. Soon after I knew I could now begin walking for Fear-No-More with a clarity and simplicity not possible before... & gratitude.
I hope these walks for Fear-No-More will be taken seriously by others and gain a momentum beyond my own. These walks are for all of us... for the non-humans, the rivers, mountains, trees, birds, horses, spiders, the moss... and for rocks, earth and sky.... they are not for me, they are for you, us, all of us, as one culture of the Earth.
We can put aside race, culture, religion, gender and species differences. As Adi Da says, "These are man-made, I say." We are Earthlings... one diverse, inter-related, process... family. Will we ever live together intelligently, harmoniously, cooperatively, and in a manner that liberates the world from the crunch of unnecessary fear.....?
A tree can do it... grass can do it... some people can.... so why not all of us? why not me? or you?
The results of not doing so, or not even trying, might be sad...
No Threats Anymore (ramblings...)
This is ego-land. This is the place of human mummery -- a course of doings that (if followed to its end) will, ultimately, be absolutely destructive.
Reality Itself Is the Absolute Critic of all of this. Simultaneously, Reality Itself Is the Absolute Enlightener -- Providing the Reality-Means, in every area of human life, for the transformation of all and the Awakening of all, including everything about the practical transformation of the human context of existence (such as it is, in its mortality).
Everyone and everything can be utterly transformed by being turned to the egoless, Non-separate, Indivisible, and Self-Evidently Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State That Is Reality Itself. ©
Throughout human history mankind has variously, in different regions, developed profound sympathies and understandings of the non-human world. Animals, trees and places were, by some, regarded as brothers and sisters. Trees were understood to be tribal beings. Herds and flocks and schools were regarded and respected as real forms of culture. Some human cultures considered non-humans to be superior to humans. Animals were respected as spirit beings, signaling awarenesses of other worlds, communicating signs of prophecy, healing, initiation and so on.
Adi Da Samraj: We were just talking about the non-humans here in a somewhat different fashion, perhaps, in terms of them being signs of Divine Awareness, not just representations of the invisible world and so on -- here to help humans or to be of use to them, perhaps, somehow. Divinely Awake, in profound Contemplation -- not merely of the dream-world -- beyond self, forgetting the body-mind, profound Contemplatives. So that's what we were talking about. But it still would require the same thing of you basically that was done long ago and still. You have to allow yourself to become sensitive to everything, everyone, and realize that everyone is a one, not just the humans. In their presumption they are, certainly, as alive and conscious as you, just as self-aware in every fundamental sense. They get afraid in their bodies when threatened, like you do. And, therefore, they are urgent with Contemplation. They are not over-busy; or if they are busy, they're intoxicated somehow by their song with one another, or whatever it may be -- for example the bees, and so on.
So they exercise the capability of Divine Contemplation. They also experience psychic dimension things and so forth -- what you might call dream-world awareness. They wake, they sleep, they dream, and they Contemplate, by relinquishing self-regard, and even awareness relative to the body. So they go in some protected spot, and check it out, and then zone out. And yet remarkably they retain the ability to, in an instant, react if their territory is interfered with or encroached upon. But given the opportunity again, you know..., they don't want to fight all day.
A lot of animals even have mock fight -- like deer and such. With their great antlers they have these fights, in which there is no intention whatsoever to do anybody any harm and such. Some kind of rules they've worked out about when you say you're beaten and who you acknowledge to have won, but there's never any intention for them to kill one another or anything in those game-battles.
So they always move to return to free Contemplation and prefer to be as un-busy as possible. And it's not just because they just want to lie around and relax. They forget body-consciousness, self-consciousness, and enter into Contemplation. They do this rather readily. Of course, they can be interfered with like human beings can, and have a lot of trouble from human beings and the effects of human beings. And there's even a lot of trouble in the natural world, too, that they have to be wary of. ©
Humans generally think that animals and plants and even the earth itself don't live a spiritual life. They certainly don't have any organized religion going on, but their spiritual invocation and communion with the Divine is more alive and profound than ours. Much of organized man-made religion seems to be devoid of any real spiritual life.
The process of Fear-No-More, the integration of human with non-human cultures, from a spiritual standpoint, is a process that may very likely serve and support the growth of humanity beyond its up-till-now need for religion. Human-made religion, so full of words, thoughts, scripture and politics, power-mongering, control and suppression of the heart and life can only have a limited span in earth history. With all of today's human-made religions somehow in tatters, and human cultures of all kinds becoming lost, what is more real, and enduring than the power-house of Divine contemplation that the earth-world imbibes moment by moment, free of even the thought of time and recorded history...
Walk for Fear-No-More, then, for everyone -- everything, as we are... no distinctions, no bad anger (only good anger), competition that kills, no wars or threats anymore and for no-fear-in- the-heart...
© 2008 The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Perpetual copyright claimed.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Walking for Fear-No-More -- How & Why...
Conscious walking, with intention, can help put our lives in perspective. Walking is wonderful for clearing the mind, and can give rise to new insights. Walking can be a powerful support during periods of change and transition in one's life.
At the beginning of the walk pause, reflect, make a prayer or intention for the spiritual walk you are about to take.
As you walk consciously release all of your life, your plans, goals, frustrations, problems, even who you think you are. Let go into the walk itself and allow trust to move you forward.
Walking is positive, benign, powerful, action. It can aid healing, release grief, guide one through troubled times, aid in decision making, illuminate our purpose in life. Walk in celebration and thanks for all aspects of life, the so-called good and bad.
Charmaine White Face, Oglala Sioux: One of our old, old, Holy Men said, "Every step you take on earth should be a prayer. The power of a pure and good soul is in every person's heart and will grow as a seed as you walk in a sacred manner. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner.
For humans conscious walking is among the most purifying and balancing of activities. The ancient nomadic cultures, now all but lost, were among the most sane, balanced, released and adaptable peoples of the earth.
For dogs walking is likewise an integral part of their culture. Dogs who are able to walk, roam and wander get more than just excercise from this. For a dog, or wolf the act of walking is also a sacred ritual, without which their lives are the poorer.
Horse culture is structured around the walk. It is part of who they are. In walking the herd bond is deepened, along with the spirit of freedom and power.
Try to walk with good posture... upright, relaxed, in balance. Be sure to breathe. Smile gently as you walk to soften your step.
Carry water and some snacks to keep your energy up. Wear good footwear, sunblock and a hat. Dress appropriatey for the weather.
Inform friends about where and when you're walking and when you'll be back. Carry a cell phone for any possible emergency.
Give way to traffic. If you come upon someone in need offer help in whatever manner feels appropriate.
Walk safely and don't put yourself or others at risk.
Walk for a world
free of unnecessary fear....
April 5 Walk
On April 5 & 6 Fear-No-More Awareness walks will be undertaken in various places across North America and the world.
This is the 3rd walking event for Fear-No-More and the numbers of people walking with us, in their own areas, is growing. See earlier posts for more background.
Here in Lake County, California, the walk begins at 5am on April 5 (Saturday). This walk will commence with a silent circumambulation of All True Things Park (3 times) before leaving the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary to walk to Middletown via the Big Canyon Road, returning along the same route. This will be a one day walk of about 30 miles.
We dedicate this April Fear-No-More Walkabout to:
Jane Goodall and all primates (including humans),
Annie Kimmel and horses Hannibal & CC,
Oak Tree, River Rain and all Oceans...
Write for info on how to participate in the Lake County Big Canyon walk, or in other areas.
Areas where people will be Fear-No-More Awareness Walking (that we know of) are:
New York
Lopez Island
Lake County
South Africa ?
Washington DC
Mt Shasta
West Chicago
Gold Coast, Australia
Please let us know of other locations and people intending to walk. Walks can be as short or long as desired.
This is a simple, grass-roots, human-scale process of fostering a shift in point of view, from the shadows of what life seems to be to the clarity and simplicity of what it is....
Adi Da Samraj: "The human world is the fear world. The non-human world is NOT the fear world."
Recent Blogposts:
Lion & Gazelle
Fear-No-More - simply explained
Goals of FNM Awareness Walks
Walking for Fear-No-More -- How & Why...
Stuart Camps
Fear-No-More Zoo & Gardens
Fear-No-More Awareness Walks are non-religious, non-political and non-racial. They are engaged to serve the vision of all beings who wish to live without fearing one another. On these walks all differences and conflicts are put aside. We put down our troubles and stride side by side under the sun who shines the same for all. All living beings walk together with the same heart. Now is the time for this to become true.
This is the 3rd walking event for Fear-No-More and the numbers of people walking with us, in their own areas, is growing. See earlier posts for more background.
Here in Lake County, California, the walk begins at 5am on April 5 (Saturday). This walk will commence with a silent circumambulation of All True Things Park (3 times) before leaving the Mountain Of Attention Sanctuary to walk to Middletown via the Big Canyon Road, returning along the same route. This will be a one day walk of about 30 miles.
We dedicate this April Fear-No-More Walkabout to:
Jane Goodall and all primates (including humans),
Annie Kimmel and horses Hannibal & CC,
Oak Tree, River Rain and all Oceans...
Write for info on how to participate in the Lake County Big Canyon walk, or in other areas.
Areas where people will be Fear-No-More Awareness Walking (that we know of) are:
New York
Lopez Island
Lake County
South Africa ?
Washington DC
Mt Shasta
West Chicago
Gold Coast, Australia
Please let us know of other locations and people intending to walk. Walks can be as short or long as desired.
This is a simple, grass-roots, human-scale process of fostering a shift in point of view, from the shadows of what life seems to be to the clarity and simplicity of what it is....
Adi Da Samraj: "The human world is the fear world. The non-human world is NOT the fear world."
Recent Blogposts:
Lion & Gazelle
Fear-No-More - simply explained
Goals of FNM Awareness Walks
Walking for Fear-No-More -- How & Why...
Stuart Camps
Fear-No-More Zoo & Gardens
Fear-No-More Awareness Walks are non-religious, non-political and non-racial. They are engaged to serve the vision of all beings who wish to live without fearing one another. On these walks all differences and conflicts are put aside. We put down our troubles and stride side by side under the sun who shines the same for all. All living beings walk together with the same heart. Now is the time for this to become true.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Fear-No-More -- simply explained
The entrance to Fear-No-More Zoo imparts a profound message to those who visit there sensitively.
"See how life is, how it ends... how the body and mind will one day die. Understand life as a passing and, like the non-humans, notice there is no escape from this. In this awareness be softened. Instead of seeking escape from death surrender into life, as the animals and plants do, realizing natural, whole-bodily, divine communion. And, like the non-humans, embody the disposition of fearing-no-more... and more and more."
The bodily awareness and knowledge of inevitable death, and the sensing of oneself as integral to the food chain, moves animals to feel beyond the limits of the body... to spiritually contemplative surrender into the process that lives and breathes everything.
The usual human response to the knowledge of mortality is to search, strain and hope for a solution to death. In doing this we perpetuate struggle, confrontation and fear, rather than trusting in the "source of being" and surrendering to the mystery of life.
Fear-No-More Zoo exists, and grows, with the conscious awareness of life and death, accepting, embracing and surrendering fear in deepening understanding and love for all life, including the difficult passings of ourselves and those we love.
Lion and Gazelle
Days pass un-noticed. Ean relaxes, swims, eats, sleeps. As best he can he absorbs everything the animals showed him. Some things he understands. The more he understands the less he knows.
One morning, after a long night in drizzling rain, Ean makes his way to a shallow cave in nearby cliffs. As he clambers inside and turns around he is stunned to see a large lioness asleep there, purring. Snoring beside her is a handsome gazelle. Ean slumps, motionless, silent for ages. Rain pelts outside, storming beyond the quiet, dry, cave. The great cat's purring deepens. Rain continues all day, until early evening.
As the red sun settles beyond lustrous, purple-blue seas, Lioness rumbles and yawns, shaking Ean and Gazelle awake. She stretches and roars softly. Gazelle touches his muzzle to Ean's hand, and sniffs his ear. "She won't eat you."
Lioness smiles, saunters forward and rests a massive paw on Ean's thigh, brushing her whiskers against his face. Then she walks to the cave entrance, to gaze over the plains.
"Everything isn’t as it seems, unless you understand everything.
I know it seems unusual for you to see Gazelle and me together like this... we are always together. Because lions and gazelle share life we have a profound bond."
Gazelle interrupts with a snort. "Ean, the relationship between prey and pre
dator is ancient. As Gazelle, one of my roles in life is to become prey. I am born to it. Raised for it. Some gazelle are not eaten until very old, some when young, and others while in their prime. Eventually, all of us are eaten somehow. That final chase is filled with sudden fear. We run fast as this is the moment we live and prepare for. Sometimes we elude the kill. But one day you sense the moment is near. Fear is present, as it must be for the chase to be real. When the lion's paw knocks you down, all you can do is go with it. And you are embraced. White teeth and warm mouth wrap around your neck and press down, and you realize one of your main purposes - being food for another. Pressing fear transforms to love, surrender to life itself.”
Lioness returns to the boy, rumbling softly, "Many humans hold the wrong idea about predator and prey. When a lion sees an antelope or gazelle, sneaks close, and gives chase, there is no anger, no rage, no bad feelings there.
“Instead... the lion fixes attention one-pointedly, becoming completely focused on the prey. In doing so the lion achieves a deep love for the gazelle, almost becoming one with the prey. In this way the lion surrenders every fibre and sinew to the kill. The lion lets everything go and gives over completely. This is the ancient relationship of predator and prey where two become one. The form of sacrifice differs for each, but is equal. And one day the predator is also eaten."
Both Lioness and Gazelle move to Ean and press their bodies against his. He embraces them. They turn and disappear into the night, to hunt and be hunted, as lions and gazelle have always done since they began.
(excerpt from 'Real Heart, World of No Fear" Stuart Camps 2008, © )
One morning, after a long night in drizzling rain, Ean makes his way to a shallow cave in nearby cliffs. As he clambers inside and turns around he is stunned to see a large lioness asleep there, purring. Snoring beside her is a handsome gazelle. Ean slumps, motionless, silent for ages. Rain pelts outside, storming beyond the quiet, dry, cave. The great cat's purring deepens. Rain continues all day, until early evening.
As the red sun settles beyond lustrous, purple-blue seas, Lioness rumbles and yawns, shaking Ean and Gazelle awake. She stretches and roars softly. Gazelle touches his muzzle to Ean's hand, and sniffs his ear. "She won't eat you."
Lioness smiles, saunters forward and rests a massive paw on Ean's thigh, brushing her whiskers against his face. Then she walks to the cave entrance, to gaze over the plains.
"Everything isn’t as it seems, unless you understand everything.
I know it seems unusual for you to see Gazelle and me together like this... we are always together. Because lions and gazelle share life we have a profound bond."
Gazelle interrupts with a snort. "Ean, the relationship between prey and pre
Lioness returns to the boy, rumbling softly, "Many humans hold the wrong idea about predator and prey. When a lion sees an antelope or gazelle, sneaks close, and gives chase, there is no anger, no rage, no bad feelings there.
“Instead... the lion fixes attention one-pointedly, becoming completely focused on the prey. In doing so the lion achieves a deep love for the gazelle, almost becoming one with the prey. In this way the lion surrenders every fibre and sinew to the kill. The lion lets everything go and gives over completely. This is the ancient relationship of predator and prey where two become one. The form of sacrifice differs for each, but is equal. And one day the predator is also eaten."
Both Lioness and Gazelle move to Ean and press their bodies against his. He embraces them. They turn and disappear into the night, to hunt and be hunted, as lions and gazelle have always done since they began.
(excerpt from 'Real Heart, World of No Fear" Stuart Camps 2008, © )
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Goals of FNMore Walkabouts - Addendum
Fear-No-More Zoo's Support Goals:
1. $10,000 in donated support income monthly is needed (approx $10 per person monthly)
Currently Fear-No-More Zoo exists on about $5000 per month, so we need to double this amount.
2. $500,000 to develop Fear-No-More Zoo & Sacred Camel Gardens
These minimum monies are needed to physically build the Zoo to an appropriate level. See previous post.
To request more info development projects please write.
I've long wanted to see established a program / entity / society that might be called, the "Friends of Fear-No-More"... something like that maybe...
This would basically be something that could be world-wide in concept & eventual development... though starting out small & grass-roots.... a non-profit org that takes the message about "fearing-no-more" into the human realm... a process inclusive of all races, cultures, religions, species and points of view... (not utopian, because FNMore is not about utopia)...
Maybe it might grow to have its own offices, operations, programs, courses, websites, aid received and given, advice received and given, support for others.... or maybe it would just become a pervading function & quality, like breathing...
One result of this might be that Fear-No-More Zoo itself, the humble source of this "Vision" would benefit through some kind of donations system built into the whole thing, funnelling hundreds of thousands of $1 & $2 into FNM Zoo so that it could always grow to exemplify what FNMZoo should be.... what all zoos should be.... and other monies raised going to help other causes and so on.... for people, yes, and animals and for other good things generally.... all to benefit the earth and inhabitants....
But I can't do all that myself because I'm with the camel herd here, which is enough for me... so this kind of outreach hinges on someone (a group) to do it, to want to do it, to commit to it....(all of us maybe? I will help of course...) Are you interested to help?
We could take this powerful Vision of Fear-No-More and do so MUCH more with it... its much bigger, potentially, than the little zoo itself.... though it derives its source and inspiration from this unique human-non-human process, here...
1. $10,000 in donated support income monthly is needed (approx $10 per person monthly)
Currently Fear-No-More Zoo exists on about $5000 per month, so we need to double this amount.
2. $500,000 to develop Fear-No-More Zoo & Sacred Camel Gardens
These minimum monies are needed to physically build the Zoo to an appropriate level. See previous post.
To request more info development projects please write.
I've long wanted to see established a program / entity / society that might be called, the "Friends of Fear-No-More"... something like that maybe...
This would basically be something that could be world-wide in concept & eventual development... though starting out small & grass-roots.... a non-profit org that takes the message about "fearing-no-more" into the human realm... a process inclusive of all races, cultures, religions, species and points of view... (not utopian, because FNMore is not about utopia)...
Maybe it might grow to have its own offices, operations, programs, courses, websites, aid received and given, advice received and given, support for others.... or maybe it would just become a pervading function & quality, like breathing...
One result of this might be that Fear-No-More Zoo itself, the humble source of this "Vision" would benefit through some kind of donations system built into the whole thing, funnelling hundreds of thousands of $1 & $2 into FNM Zoo so that it could always grow to exemplify what FNMZoo should be.... what all zoos should be.... and other monies raised going to help other causes and so on.... for people, yes, and animals and for other good things generally.... all to benefit the earth and inhabitants....
But I can't do all that myself because I'm with the camel herd here, which is enough for me... so this kind of outreach hinges on someone (a group) to do it, to want to do it, to commit to it....(all of us maybe? I will help of course...) Are you interested to help?
We could take this powerful Vision of Fear-No-More and do so MUCH more with it... its much bigger, potentially, than the little zoo itself.... though it derives its source and inspiration from this unique human-non-human process, here...
Goals of Fear-No-More Awareness Walks
Character 1
- Elevation of cooperation, tolerance and compassion among all people, and for all forms of life, beginning with ourselves...
- Advancement of a sane, balanced, intelligent and diverse human culture, understanding and valuing true morality and a life free of unnecessary fear; a happy, strong, safe human culture deeply integrated with the natural world.
In January 2008 Monthly Awareness Walks for the Vision of Fear-No-More commenced in Lake County California. These monthly walks are now taking place each month (the first weekend) in an increasing number of areas within North America and abroad.
Fear-No-More Walkabouts are a prayer for the sake of all life; for gorillas, elephants, hummingbirds, algae, camels, children, all people, trees, the wind, and for the rivers, oceans, mountains and deserts. We walk in the prayer that non-humans will soon come to know a humanity of sanity, wisdom, love and understanding. And we walk in the prayer that humanity itself will advance a new wisdom for life based in feeling intelligence, integrity, pleasure and truth. The Vision of Fear-No-More reaches beyond species, race, culture, religion, all borders, all differences... and beyond fear.
We invite you to participate in these Walkabouts; regardless of race, culture, religion, no religion, politics or general background. As long as the walkabout rules are observed and you are walking to help raise awareness for the need of a world free of unnecessary fear, you are welcome.
Character 2
- Adequate support for Fear-No-More Zoo and the Sacred Camel Gardens is essential to the lawful advancement of the Vision of Fear-No-More into the greater world. The Vision of Fear-No-More, which gives rise to the Fear-No-More Awareness Walks honors Fear-No-More Zoo, and the Sacred Camel Gardens, as its source and inspiration.
An important part of the growth of Fear-No-More Zoo is the development of an educational facility within the Zoo and Camel Gardens that enables people to visit (retreat), learn (hands-on) and benefit from this unique approach to the living world -- with humans and with non-humans.
Thirty years ago the love and insight of one man, Adi Da Samraj, gave rise to a unique approach for humanity to relate to the world around us. This approach, which he describes as the "Vision of Fear-No-More", is also a description of how the "non-humans" live. With today's human cultures losing touch with its contemplative and sacred nature, the process of Fear-No-More is integral.
In developing Fear-No-More Zoo Adi Da said he was not interested in this being merely an "animal zoo", where humans visit to look at animals. Rather, he explained, the process of Fear-No-More is only interesting to the degree that it enables and nurtures the integration of human and non-human life forms into one whole, intelligent, diverse and sacred culture.
Fear-No-More Zoo and Gardens is the original seed of a broad tree. The "Vision of Fear-No-More" shares the potential for all beings to live a life free of unnecessary fear, in spiritual and practical terms.
The Vision of Fear-No-More uniquely softens the life, and apparent differences, between all humans and non-humans, wherever they are.
Support the Vision and the Walks
Start walking with us. Invite others to join you.
- join a walk in your area, set one up with others, or just walk alone
- find out just what "fearing-no-more" is -- read forthcoming blogs
- write us with details on your walks, let us know what you're doing
Support Fear-No-More Zoo / Sacred Camel Gardens
Choose one of the following avenues of support
- send donations to Fear-No-More Zoo, 12040 Seigler Springs Road, Middletown, CA 95461
- monthly direct credit card deduction - phone - 707) 355-0638 to give CC details
- online: How To Help
- Elevation of cooperation, tolerance and compassion among all people, and for all forms of life, beginning with ourselves...
- Advancement of a sane, balanced, intelligent and diverse human culture, understanding and valuing true morality and a life free of unnecessary fear; a happy, strong, safe human culture deeply integrated with the natural world.
In January 2008 Monthly Awareness Walks for the Vision of Fear-No-More commenced in Lake County California. These monthly walks are now taking place each month (the first weekend) in an increasing number of areas within North America and abroad.
Fear-No-More Walkabouts are a prayer for the sake of all life; for gorillas, elephants, hummingbirds, algae, camels, children, all people, trees, the wind, and for the rivers, oceans, mountains and deserts. We walk in the prayer that non-humans will soon come to know a humanity of sanity, wisdom, love and understanding. And we walk in the prayer that humanity itself will advance a new wisdom for life based in feeling intelligence, integrity, pleasure and truth. The Vision of Fear-No-More reaches beyond species, race, culture, religion, all borders, all differences... and beyond fear.
We invite you to participate in these Walkabouts; regardless of race, culture, religion, no religion, politics or general background. As long as the walkabout rules are observed and you are walking to help raise awareness for the need of a world free of unnecessary fear, you are welcome.
Character 2
- Adequate support for Fear-No-More Zoo and the Sacred Camel Gardens is essential to the lawful advancement of the Vision of Fear-No-More into the greater world. The Vision of Fear-No-More, which gives rise to the Fear-No-More Awareness Walks honors Fear-No-More Zoo, and the Sacred Camel Gardens, as its source and inspiration.
An important part of the growth of Fear-No-More Zoo is the development of an educational facility within the Zoo and Camel Gardens that enables people to visit (retreat), learn (hands-on) and benefit from this unique approach to the living world -- with humans and with non-humans.
Thirty years ago the love and insight of one man, Adi Da Samraj, gave rise to a unique approach for humanity to relate to the world around us. This approach, which he describes as the "Vision of Fear-No-More", is also a description of how the "non-humans" live. With today's human cultures losing touch with its contemplative and sacred nature, the process of Fear-No-More is integral.
In developing Fear-No-More Zoo Adi Da said he was not interested in this being merely an "animal zoo", where humans visit to look at animals. Rather, he explained, the process of Fear-No-More is only interesting to the degree that it enables and nurtures the integration of human and non-human life forms into one whole, intelligent, diverse and sacred culture.
Fear-No-More Zoo and Gardens is the original seed of a broad tree. The "Vision of Fear-No-More" shares the potential for all beings to live a life free of unnecessary fear, in spiritual and practical terms.
The Vision of Fear-No-More uniquely softens the life, and apparent differences, between all humans and non-humans, wherever they are.
Support the Vision and the Walks
Start walking with us. Invite others to join you.
- join a walk in your area, set one up with others, or just walk alone
- find out just what "fearing-no-more" is -- read forthcoming blogs
- write us with details on your walks, let us know what you're doing
Support Fear-No-More Zoo / Sacred Camel Gardens
Choose one of the following avenues of support
- send donations to Fear-No-More Zoo, 12040 Seigler Springs Road, Middletown, CA 95461
- monthly direct credit card deduction - phone - 707) 355-0638 to give CC details
- online: How To Help
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Recent Walk Re-cap...
Ravens wheeled and rolled, cawing, shimmering.
The Fear-No-More Awareness walk around Clear Lake unraveled gifts of frustration, tiredness, pain, doubt, exhilaration, inspiration and mindless contemplation. Amid endless road traffic, and randomly situated towns, the natural beauty and power of the lake basin was palpable and strong, drawing me to a fuller way of looking, listening, feeling and walking.
Sometime beyond midday I could tangibly feel the lake and mountains' awareness of me. As I journeyed around the shores I noticed, increasingly, that I was walking with the lake and mountains. I began to feel a clear connection with them, and felt carried by them.
Since the walk I now recall places, trees, views, and roadside turnouts with the same fondness, gratitude and love as when remembering a close friend's gift or embrace. Among the things received from this walkabout is the tacit whole-body experiencing of Clear Lake as a person; Mount Konocoti too. These both, and the whole environment, comprise numberless persons; profound and spiritually contemplative, existing together as one single, great, many-layered person.
As the sun broke on Saturday morning (March 1) Barbara and I headed up the western shores of the lake, along the winding road, passing little resorts and big mansions. The skies were gray and fine mist rains intermittently drifted throughout the day.
After nine miles Barbara left the walk, as planned, and I continued on to Lakeport where Malcolm and John met me for lunch. I set out next through the narrow ribbon of suburbia stretching out along the upper shores of the lake. Eventually swamps, tule grass and cotton-woods squeezed back the houses, holding things more as they used to be, at least for now. I stopped on these northern banks of the lake and offered respect, and elements, into the water for the natives who, in 1850, were massacred nearby. At other points I offered elements (ash, water, rice) into the lake out of respect for Clear Lake herself.
In the hamlet of Nice the police paid me a visit. After seeing me on different stretches of road throughout the day they were curious. After I explained the walk to one officer he went and radioed all the other cars around the lake requesting they watch out for me in case I needed help at any point.
For the next five hours a wind blew and the lake was choppy. On into the chilly night, with a small headlamp and a new ipod, I walked against the traffic. At about 10pm I pulled up at Jim's home, in Clearlake Oaks, easing down into a soft padded chair. Jim brought me a tall, fresh, green juice. My energy still seemed strong and I had in my mind to try to walk the entire lake circle in one single push, walking on until dawn if I could. But after sitting for a while I realized that rest was needed.
Next morning, after a late start, I headed off again. Climbing the hill above Elem, with blisters burning and energy low, a wind blew up from behind and carried me forward to the ridge-top. After a brief rest on top I headed cross-country over steep grassy hillsides to Borax Lake. Victor met me at the edge of Clearlake township and we continued for seven more hours, eventually trudging in to the Riviera Shopping Center at about 6.30pm to my waiting car, having put down about 75 miles.
Since the walk there is a new stillness building in me that I find a bit disorienting at times. At other times I experience it like a nutritious feast of the senses - of touch, hearing, sight and whole-bodily feeling... the richness of creek noises, bees buzzing, wind, birds, rustling grasses and colors continually interrupts my thoughts, softening my head and heart.
Following are a few comments from others who created Fear-No-More Awareness Walks in their locale:
From Lopez Isand: Just wanted you to know that Deborah Dunn and I walked for two hours at Hummel Lake Park and Odlin Park on Lopez Island in concert with your "Fear No More Walk". We were pleased to see a beautiful and stately bald eagle on the top of a tree where he stayed for a long time. - Margot
From New York: Here in New York City, Brooklyn, a hearty group of 5 of us took to the walk around the lake in Prospect Park. A great break from our rooms and offices and city streets. We read the intention and invoked Beloved as these were all devotees, 3c and 2c. Wet with the rains, and cool, the earth gave in to our feet and the sun shon
From Boston: there was a very short walk in Boston...(1/2 hour)... in the rain, and against a few obstacles...by Loretta. I read all the written material emailed to me about the Walk, out loud. Saw birds. However, the energy of getting out and about was wonderful, and i want to do MORE walks, and longer ones....thanks....this is a good tool and expression for Fear-No-More! - Loretta
The Next Fear-No-More
Awareness Walk
will be over the weekend of April 5 & 6. Here in Lake County I was previously thinking we might walk around Clear Lake once a month for a time, but although the lake is beautiful most of the walking is on the narrow roadside with constant traffic wizzing by. It can be a bit dangerous. So now I'm looking at alternative locations. Maybe circumambulate Mt Shasta? or run up & down one of her easier summit routes? or walk around Mt Tamalpais? or Cobb Mt...? will be deciding soon so if you're interested check back for updates.
Check out other posts in this blog for more info & background....
Stuart Camps
PS: In the next post I will explain what the goals are for these Awareness Walks... we definately have some :)
Fear-No-More Awareness Walks are non-religious, non-political and non-racial. They are engaged to serve the vision of all beings who wish to live without fearing one another. On these walks all differences and conflicts are put aside. We put down our troubles and stride side by side under the sun who shines the same for all. All living beings walk together with the same heart. Now is the time for this to become true.
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