Conscious walking, with intention, can help put our lives in perspective. Walking is wonderful for clearing the mind, and can give rise to new insights. Walking can be a powerful support during periods of change and transition in one's life.
At the beginning of the walk pause, reflect, make a prayer or intention for the spiritual walk you are about to take.
As you walk consciously release all of your life, your plans, goals, frustrations, problems, even who you think you are. Let go into the walk itself and allow trust to move you forward.
Walking is positive, benign, powerful, action. It can aid healing, release grief, guide one through troubled times, aid in decision making, illuminate our purpose in life. Walk in celebration and thanks for all aspects of life, the so-called good and bad.
Charmaine White Face, Oglala Sioux: One of our old, old, Holy Men said, "Every step you take on earth should be a prayer. The power of a pure and good soul is in every person's heart and will grow as a seed as you walk in a sacred manner. And if every step you take is a prayer, then you will always be walking in a sacred manner.
For humans conscious walking is among the most purifying and balancing of activities. The ancient nomadic cultures, now all but lost, were among the most sane, balanced, released and adaptable peoples of the earth.
For dogs walking is likewise an integral part of their culture. Dogs who are able to walk, roam and wander get more than just excercise from this. For a dog, or wolf the act of walking is also a sacred ritual, without which their lives are the poorer.
Horse culture is structured around the walk. It is part of who they are. In walking the herd bond is deepened, along with the spirit of freedom and power.
Try to walk with good posture... upright, relaxed, in balance. Be sure to breathe. Smile gently as you walk to soften your step.
Carry water and some snacks to keep your energy up. Wear good footwear, sunblock and a hat. Dress appropriatey for the weather.
Inform friends about where and when you're walking and when you'll be back. Carry a cell phone for any possible emergency.
Give way to traffic. If you come upon someone in need offer help in whatever manner feels appropriate.
Walk safely and don't put yourself or others at risk.
Walk for a world
free of unnecessary fear....