Saturday, March 15, 2008

Goals of FNMore Walkabouts - Addendum

Fear-No-More Zoo's Support Goals:

1. $10,000 in donated support income monthly is needed (approx $10 per person monthly)

Currently Fear-No-More Zoo exists on about $5000 per month, so we need to double this amount.

2. $500,000 to develop Fear-No-More Zoo & Sacred Camel Gardens

These minimum monies are needed to physically build the Zoo to an appropriate level. See previous post.

To request more info development projects please write.



I've long wanted to see established a program / entity / society that might be called, the "Friends of Fear-No-More"... something like that maybe...

This would basically be something that could be world-wide in concept & eventual development... though starting out small & grass-roots.... a non-profit org that takes the message about "fearing-no-more" into the human realm... a process inclusive of all races, cultures, religions, species and points of view... (not utopian, because FNMore is not about utopia)...

Maybe it might grow to have its own offices, operations, programs, courses, websites, aid received and given, advice received and given, support for others.... or maybe it would just become a pervading function & quality, like breathing...

One result of this might be that Fear-No-More Zoo itself, the humble source of this "Vision" would benefit through some kind of donations system built into the whole thing, funnelling hundreds of thousands of $1 & $2 into FNM Zoo so that it could always grow to exemplify what FNMZoo should be.... what all zoos should be.... and other monies raised going to help other causes and so on.... for people, yes, and animals and for other good things generally.... all to benefit the earth and inhabitants....

But I can't do all that myself because I'm with the camel herd here, which is enough for me... so this kind of outreach hinges on someone (a group) to do it, to want to do it, to commit to it....(all of us maybe? I will help of course...) Are you interested to help?

We could take this powerful Vision of Fear-No-More and do so MUCH more with it... its much bigger, potentially, than the little zoo itself.... though it derives its source and inspiration from this unique human-non-human process, here...
