This is ego-land. This is the place of human mummery -- a course of doings that (if followed to its end) will, ultimately, be absolutely destructive.
Reality Itself Is the Absolute Critic of all of this. Simultaneously, Reality Itself Is the Absolute Enlightener -- Providing the Reality-Means, in every area of human life, for the transformation of all and the Awakening of all, including everything about the practical transformation of the human context of existence (such as it is, in its mortality).
Everyone and everything can be utterly transformed by being turned to the egoless, Non-separate, Indivisible, and Self-Evidently Divine Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State That Is Reality Itself. ©
Throughout human history mankind has variously, in different regions, developed profound sympathies and understandings of the non-human world. Animals, trees and places were, by some, regarded as brothers and sisters. Trees were understood to be tribal beings. Herds and flocks and schools were regarded and respected as real forms of culture. Some human cultures considered non-humans to be superior to humans. Animals were respected as spirit beings, signaling awarenesses of other worlds, communicating signs of prophecy, healing, initiation and so on.
Adi Da Samraj: We were just talking about the non-humans here in a somewhat different fashion, perhaps, in terms of them being signs of Divine Awareness, not just representations of the invisible world and so on -- here to help humans or to be of use to them, perhaps, somehow. Divinely Awake, in profound Contemplation -- not merely of the dream-world -- beyond self, forgetting the body-mind, profound Contemplatives. So that's what we were talking about. But it still would require the same thing of you basically that was done long ago and still. You have to allow yourself to become sensitive to everything, everyone, and realize that everyone is a one, not just the humans. In their presumption they are, certainly, as alive and conscious as you, just as self-aware in every fundamental sense. They get afraid in their bodies when threatened, like you do. And, therefore, they are urgent with Contemplation. They are not over-busy; or if they are busy, they're intoxicated somehow by their song with one another, or whatever it may be -- for example the bees, and so on.
So they exercise the capability of Divine Contemplation. They also experience psychic dimension things and so forth -- what you might call dream-world awareness. They wake, they sleep, they dream, and they Contemplate, by relinquishing self-regard, and even awareness relative to the body. So they go in some protected spot, and check it out, and then zone out. And yet remarkably they retain the ability to, in an instant, react if their territory is interfered with or encroached upon. But given the opportunity again, you know..., they don't want to fight all day.
A lot of animals even have mock fight -- like deer and such. With their great antlers they have these fights, in which there is no intention whatsoever to do anybody any harm and such. Some kind of rules they've worked out about when you say you're beaten and who you acknowledge to have won, but there's never any intention for them to kill one another or anything in those game-battles.
So they always move to return to free Contemplation and prefer to be as un-busy as possible. And it's not just because they just want to lie around and relax. They forget body-consciousness, self-consciousness, and enter into Contemplation. They do this rather readily. Of course, they can be interfered with like human beings can, and have a lot of trouble from human beings and the effects of human beings. And there's even a lot of trouble in the natural world, too, that they have to be wary of. ©
Humans generally think that animals and plants and even the earth itself don't live a spiritual life. They certainly don't have any organized religion going on, but their spiritual invocation and communion with the Divine is more alive and profound than ours. Much of organized man-made religion seems to be devoid of any real spiritual life.
The process of Fear-No-More, the integration of human with non-human cultures, from a spiritual standpoint, is a process that may very likely serve and support the growth of humanity beyond its up-till-now need for religion. Human-made religion, so full of words, thoughts, scripture and politics, power-mongering, control and suppression of the heart and life can only have a limited span in earth history. With all of today's human-made religions somehow in tatters, and human cultures of all kinds becoming lost, what is more real, and enduring than the power-house of Divine contemplation that the earth-world imbibes moment by moment, free of even the thought of time and recorded history...
Walk for Fear-No-More, then, for everyone -- everything, as we are... no distinctions, no bad anger (only good anger), competition that kills, no wars or threats anymore and for no-fear-in- the-heart...
© 2008 The Avataric Samrajya of Adidam Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Perpetual copyright claimed.