Ravens wheeled and rolled, cawing, shimmering.
The Fear-No-More Awareness walk around Clear Lake unraveled gifts of frustration, tiredness, pain, doubt, exhilaration, inspiration and mindless contemplation. Amid endless road traffic, and randomly situated towns, the natural beauty and power of the lake basin was palpable and strong, drawing me to a fuller way of looking, listening, feeling and walking.
Sometime beyond midday I could tangibly feel the lake and mountains' awareness of me. As I journeyed around the shores I noticed, increasingly, that I was walking with the lake and mountains. I began to feel a clear connection with them, and felt carried by them.
Since the walk I now recall places, trees, views, and roadside turnouts with the same fondness, gratitude and love as when remembering a close friend's gift or embrace. Among the things received from this walkabout is the tacit whole-body experiencing of Clear Lake as a person; Mount Konocoti too. These both, and the whole environment, comprise numberless persons; profound and spiritually contemplative, existing together as one single, great, many-layered person.
As the sun broke on Saturday morning (March 1) Barbara and I headed up the western shores of the lake, along the winding road, passing little resorts and big mansions. The skies were gray and fine mist rains intermittently drifted throughout the day.
After nine miles Barbara left the walk, as planned, and I continued on to Lakeport where Malcolm and John met me for lunch. I set out next through the narrow ribbon of suburbia stretching out along the upper shores of the lake. Eventually swamps, tule grass and cotton-woods squeezed back the houses, holding things more as they used to be, at least for now. I stopped on these northern banks of the lake and offered respect, and elements, into the water for the natives who, in 1850, were massacred nearby. At other points I offered elements (ash, water, rice) into the lake out of respect for Clear Lake herself.
In the hamlet of Nice the police paid me a visit. After seeing me on different stretches of road throughout the day they were curious. After I explained the walk to one officer he went and radioed all the other cars around the lake requesting they watch out for me in case I needed help at any point.
For the next five hours a wind blew and the lake was choppy. On into the chilly night, with a small headlamp and a new ipod, I walked against the traffic. At about 10pm I pulled up at Jim's home, in Clearlake Oaks, easing down into a soft padded chair. Jim brought me a tall, fresh, green juice. My energy still seemed strong and I had in my mind to try to walk the entire lake circle in one single push, walking on until dawn if I could. But after sitting for a while I realized that rest was needed.
Next morning, after a late start, I headed off again. Climbing the hill above Elem, with blisters burning and energy low, a wind blew up from behind and carried me forward to the ridge-top. After a brief rest on top I headed cross-country over steep grassy hillsides to Borax Lake. Victor met me at the edge of Clearlake township and we continued for seven more hours, eventually trudging in to the Riviera Shopping Center at about 6.30pm to my waiting car, having put down about 75 miles.
Since the walk there is a new stillness building in me that I find a bit disorienting at times. At other times I experience it like a nutritious feast of the senses - of touch, hearing, sight and whole-bodily feeling... the richness of creek noises, bees buzzing, wind, birds, rustling grasses and colors continually interrupts my thoughts, softening my head and heart.
Following are a few comments from others who created Fear-No-More Awareness Walks in their locale:
From Lopez Isand: Just wanted you to know that Deborah Dunn and I walked for two hours at Hummel Lake Park and Odlin Park on Lopez Island in concert with your "Fear No More Walk". We were pleased to see a beautiful and stately bald eagle on the top of a tree where he stayed for a long time. - Margot
From New York: Here in New York City, Brooklyn, a hearty group of 5 of us took to the walk around the lake in Prospect Park. A great break from our rooms and offices and city streets. We read the intention and invoked Beloved as these were all devotees, 3c and 2c. Wet with the rains, and cool, the earth gave in to our feet and the sun shon
From Boston: there was a very short walk in Boston...(1/2 hour)... in the rain, and against a few obstacles...by Loretta. I read all the written material emailed to me about the Walk, out loud. Saw birds. However, the energy of getting out and about was wonderful, and i want to do MORE walks, and longer ones....thanks....this is a good tool and expression for Fear-No-More! - Loretta
The Next Fear-No-More
Awareness Walk
will be over the weekend of April 5 & 6. Here in Lake County I was previously thinking we might walk around Clear Lake once a month for a time, but although the lake is beautiful most of the walking is on the narrow roadside with constant traffic wizzing by. It can be a bit dangerous. So now I'm looking at alternative locations. Maybe circumambulate Mt Shasta? or run up & down one of her easier summit routes? or walk around Mt Tamalpais? or Cobb Mt...? will be deciding soon so if you're interested check back for updates.
Check out other posts in this blog for more info & background....
Stuart Camps
PS: In the next post I will explain what the goals are for these Awareness Walks... we definately have some :)
Fear-No-More Awareness Walks are non-religious, non-political and non-racial. They are engaged to serve the vision of all beings who wish to live without fearing one another. On these walks all differences and conflicts are put aside. We put down our troubles and stride side by side under the sun who shines the same for all. All living beings walk together with the same heart. Now is the time for this to become true.